Flight simulator exclusive cheats

Easy glider take off:
To order a tow plane press [Ctrl] + [Shift] + Y.

AGS for default aircraft:
Press [Shift] + E and release it very fast. Then, press 2, 3, 4 and secondary exits and cargo hatches will open and close. Depending on the aircraft, you may also press [Shift] + D or [Shift] + C for special effects.

Hint: Easier taxis, takeoff, and landing:
Press Y key and use a directional key or Joystick to move forward, backward and side to side, and the throttle to go up or down.

Hint: Better frame rate:
Instead of setting a low frame rate to save resources, set it to unlimited. Your computer will be able to display as many frames per second as it can, while allowing you to increase the graphics somewhat considerably. This is most noticeable on slower computers.

Easy Boeing control on air:
Just fly a boeing and get in an alt at almost 2000 feet. Now press Z first. This is auto pilot. now you have to something more to make your flight level.Press [ctrl+Z/z] and to fix your current heading simply press [ctrl+H/h]. You can also increase or decrease your altitude by pressing [ctrl+shift+Z/z] and to increase or decrease alt press "+/-" .

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