Paul Burrell did sex with Princess Diana ?
Paul Burrell: I had sex with Princess Diana
Sick boast exposed by his wife's brother
Watch: Paul Burrell's Diana sex boasts
DISGRACED royal butler Paul Burrell has plumbed shocking new depths of treachery, with vile boasts that he secretly BEDDED Princess Diana.
The slimy flunky bragged to his wife’s brother Ron Cosgrove that he was on call for sex 24/7. Ron told us: “Burrell said Diana was so demanding. And he told me he’d caught the Queen naked.”
Ron also reveals that after Diana’s death the butler spirited THREE bin liners out of Kensington Palace and hid them in his mother-in-law’s attic.
Millions of the tragic princess's fans worldwide will be enraged at the creepy butler's vile boast that he had to keep up with her round-the-clock demands for "kinky" sex.
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KEEPING UP APPEARANCES: Paul & Maria pose for camera |
Ron said: "That man has shamed us and made a fool out of my sister Maria. The final straw came when he was caught on video admitting how he lied to Diana's inquest. I hope I never see him again."
For 25 years furniture dealer Ron, 61, has had a ringside seat at Burrell's extraordinary rise from humble palace footman to millionaire celebrity. And he revealed how Diana's trusted servant dropped his bombshell story of sex with the boss over a drink at the local pub.
"It was 1993 while Paul was working for the princess at Kensington Palace," he said. "He and Maria came home to Cheshire one weekend and on the Sunday lunchtime Paul specifically asked if he could talk to me in private.
"He clearly had something on his mind so we went to the Peal of Bells in Holt for a few pints. Then during the conversation he suddenly tells me he's been having a sexual relationship with Princess Diana.
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SHAM BEGINS: Bride Maria 'knew Burrell was bisexual' |
"Paul told me that he'd get a call from Diana in the middle of the night specifically to have sex with her. He said she was very sexually demanding—'a bit ****ing kinky' were his words—and if you worked for the princess you worked for her 24/7.
"I told him if it was true I was disgusted with him because he was married to my sister and cheating on her with another woman. But he didn't see that as a problem. He just replied, ‘Yes, but it IS the princess.' I was dumbfounded. I couldn't believe what he was telling me.
"He said, ‘It's something I've got to do.' Like it was part of his duties.
"Incredibly Paul then boasted that he and Diana were IN LOVE with each other.
"His face was deadpan and he said it deadly serious. I said, ‘You're dreaming!' I thought he was in a fantasy world. But he insisted it was the truth.
"It was clear he wanted to get all this off his chest for some reason. I'm not sure if it was just to be relieved of the secrecy or simply to brag about it. It was like he just had to tell somebody.
"Friends and family knew all about how Diana called Paul her ‘rock'.
"But that day he told me how he has a snigger every time people mentioned it, because they didn't know the REAL meaning referred to sex.
"Paul told me how it all started. He said, ‘Diana used to confide in me that she was very lonely, that Charles was very cold. Their relationship wasn't very loving and basically he was crap in the sack.' Paul was completely infatuated with her. He said, ‘I'd do anything with her.'
"Since then Maria herself has told me about Diana ringing Paul in the middle of the night demanding he get over to Kensington Palace.
"At the pub Paul said, ‘If she called at five in the morning you'd have to be there.'
"So I said, ‘You're in bed with my sister and Diana would ring you and you'd go up there?' He said, ‘Yes.'
" Gobsmacked, I said, ‘You'd go up there and **** her. He said, ‘Yeah.'" Ron said he thinks his sister Maria suspected the relationship between Diana and Paul had moved on from that of master and servant.
He added: "I think Maria turned a blind eye to loads of things. My sister is the salt of the earth but she married an ****hole, a complete waster.
"He even repeated his boasts about sex with Diana the following year at a family party to celebrate Maria's 40th birthday— and that was witnessed by another relative." Before Diana's death in 1997 Maria begged Paul to resign from his post as he had been offered a string of positions with celebrities including Kevin Costner, Tom Hanks, Mel Gibson and Tom Cruise.
But he refused to leave his royal duties which star-ted to put a strain on their marriage. Ron recalled Burrell later came to him in tears, claiming Diana's demands on him had eased off because she had met and fallen for heart surgeon Dr Hasnat Khan.
Ron said: "When Diana started seeing the doctor Paul became jealous because he was back being the butler, not the lover he claimed to be—and he didn't like it.
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SECRETS: Burrell boasted to in-law Ron |
The final page ends with a tease that there is still one big secret to be divulged.
Burrell writes: "What's the secret? Sorry. That's between the butler and the princess."
But Ron told us: "I think the great secret was his big boast to me that he'd beeen having it away with Diana."
But if Burrell's sick brags about Diana were lies, he still found other ways to be unfaithful to loyal Maria. Angry Ron revealed that his sister's 24-year marriage to Burrell became a sexless sham, a cover for his secret gay flings.
I'm A Celebrity star Burrell is based in Florida, flogging his tacky lines of royal-style crockery, furniture and jewellery.
Ron said: "Maria confided that they haven't had sex for several years. And it's my understanding that they'll divorce when our mother Elizabeth is dead as she is a strict Catholic. That marriage is a fake and has been for ages.
"Maria knew Burrell was bisexual when they married but has remained with him for the sake of their children.
"It's a brother-sister relationship that doesn't involve sex, which I'm happy about because of the gay company Burrell keeps.
"Everyone knows—family, friends, everyone—what he's up to. I told Maria she should get herself checked out for AIDS." To keep up the pretence of a wonderful family life, crafty Burrell dedicated his first book to Maria and their boys, Alexander, 23, and Nicholas, 19.
In the prologue he gushed: "Thank you first and foremost my wife, Maria, and my sons.
"We have all shared a traumatic time, and your constant love, support and understanding continue to make me the proudest husband and father."
Ron added: "Paul also tried to win over the British public by going into the jungle on I'm A Celebrity but failed. He'll NEVER win a place in the heart of the nation.
"Although Maria puts up with things I think she's at the end of her tether now.
"She's very good at covering things up. But she's a glorified skivvy at the end of the day.
"Paul can be gone two or three weeks without phoning. Then he'll just ring up and say, ‘How's the shop doing?'
"But really he doesn't want anything to do with the shop any more. It's been in Maria's name since April.
"And while she's over here looking after business she's out of his hair.
"My sister turns a blind eye to his close relationship with his openly gay neighbours Ron Ruff and Chuck Webb, who are also his business associates in America."
Now Ron fears Maria will be left with nothing from Burrell's estimated £25million fortune if they split. He said: "She's been told that many times, but she won't listen. I think she's accepted that she'll be happy with the Cheshire properties. I don't think she's in line for any of the cash."
But for all his millions and his camp bravado, Burrell lives in fear, said Ron. "He's paranoid," said Ron. "He believes Diana was murdered.
"I remember once he came in the shop saying she was DEFINITELY bumped off because she was going with a guy who was Muslim and could have had his child. He was talking about Dodi Fayed.
"And now he's convinced the ‘grey coat brigade'—the secret services—are out to get HIM or set him up in some way because of all the secrets he knows about the royal family.
"Just in case, he told us he's written everything down and it's all locked away in a secret vault. I think it's in America."
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STRAIN SHOWS: Burrells in America |
Shortly afterwards the snake was captured on film telling TV producer pal Paul Khullar he had not told the "whole truth" to the court and had given the jury some "red herrings".
Ron said THAT was the clincher that convinced him he MUST finally speak out about his tricky brother-in-law.
"When he lied in court it was just typical of him," fumed Ron. "He's only interested in having a camera in his face.
"He always wanted to be the number one in everything. He would do anything to be at the top and trample over the others to make sure he got there.
"Now he's talking about going on Panorama or ITV to make him look goody-goody again.
"But he's no goody-goody. I don't think any of the family want him back here again.
"Certain celebrities have come out of the closet in the past like his close friend Michael Barrymore.
"Well that's what Burrell should do now because all he's doing is making my sister look a fool.
"He is what he is. An out and out gay and that's it. He always was and always will be.
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